Participants in Sat Vigyan have said that they have awakened the spirit of serving their families, society and nation by making their lives active. Dr. Laxminarayan Dhakal, a participant in the ‘Sat Vigyan’ program that ran in Jeevan Vigyan from 10 to 16 Poush 2081, said that although he understood the Bhagavad Gita about Karma Yoga while reading, he found the way to apply it practically through Sat Vigyan. Ek Narayan Kafle said that he has learned the truth of life and got the opportunity to understand himself. Stating that he has been freed from all the illusions of life, Januka Nepal said that the program has increased his confidence for karma siddhi. In the program, revered Ramesh Gurudev and revered Bhanu Gurudev had introduced various methods of practical application to recognize the eternal truth hidden within the universe and immerse himself in it continuously. Only seekers who have taken the ‘Laya Vigyan’ program prescribed by Jeevan Vigyan were allowed to participate in the program. There was enthusiastic participation from seekers from different fields.