Participants of the ‘Chakra Vigyan’ program said they got the opportunity to know the energy within them and themselves. Participants of the Chakra Vigyan program, which was held at Jeevan Vigyan Chabahil from 3-9 January, said they recognized the source of happiness, enthusiasm, courage and consciousness within themselves. Belgian Ambassador Sewa Lamsal, who participated in the program, said that she felt that the program using spirituality and science would bring about change in people. In the program, Venerable Ramesh Gurudev and Venerable Bhanu Gurudev used and practiced scientific and experimental methods of yoga and meditation to activate and balance the chakras, which are the subtle energy centers in the human body. The program was attended by ambassadors, doctors, engineers, professors, teachers, students, politicians and bankers from various sectors of society, as well as from various districts of Nepal and abroad.