Divine message of Venerable Bhanu Gurudev – ‘Yoga should be linked to the prosperity of the country.’ At the main function organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on the occasion of the 10th National Yoga Day, Venerable Gurudev said that yoga and meditation should be linked to health tourism. He said that the state should take ownership and leadership by linking yoga, meditation and natural medicine, which have been practiced since ancient times, to develop the country as a center for health tourism. Gurudev said that yoga is for the awakening of people by using the self-awakening meditation method. At the program, Minister for Health and Population Pradeep Poudel said that the government health system is diagnostic and preventive measures can be adopted by combining yoga, naturopathy and Ayurveda, and that any one of the five-level hospitals can be converted into it. Minister for Education, Science and Technology Bidya Bhattarai said that yoga should be taken to the classrooms of schools. Even though it is in the curriculum, it should be included in the curriculum of training given to teachers to connect it with practice and the lives of students, so preparations have been made for the upcoming academic session. Students from educational institutions including Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, and Technical College demonstrated various yoga postures at the event.